Saturday, 9 July 2011

How to Make Your Effort Pay Off

Invested effort in selling is rewarded with success. "He
that loses his life shall find it." Therefore, harness your
forces, discipline your effort, measure your time, marshal
your energies, and concentrate your ability on selling. Lose
yourself in the needs and wants of the prospect. Make his
interests your cause, and do not worry about results. Before
you know it you will be cashing commission checks.
"Procrastination is the thief of time." Indecision and post-
ponement bring many delays and rob you of many valuable
sales. Are you bold? Are you determined? Are you really in
earnest? Take hold of yourself. Believe that you can sell and
you will have the power to sell. Courage has genius, power,
and magic in it. Once you begin to use the positive power
of creative selling you will have all the vim, vigor, vitality,
force, and power you need. You will get results. Your success
and progress will not only be fascinating and stimulating,
but they will be beyond your own comprehension. There-
fore, learn to be bold and courageous, but always remain
humble and know that every ounce of effort you invest in
selling will be justly rewarded and fully compensated.
The days ahead demand strong minds and understanding
hearts, fortified with unfailing integrity, enlivened with crea-
tive ability, sustained with great tenacity, buttressed with
courageous action, and embedded with true faith and with
ready hands.
As we travel along our way we take a lesson from an in-
scription written in letters of gold on one of the pillars of
the main court of the great Wanamaker Store in Philadel-
phia. It was written by John Wanamaker, the founder.
"Let those who follow me build with the plumb of Honor,
the level of Truth, and the square of Integrity, Education,
Courtesy, and Mutuality."